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Environmental Testing Suite and Viral Testing: Use in Product Development and Validation

Indoor Biotechnologies offers a broad range of product testing services, including the Environmental Testing Suite and viral testing capabilities in accordance with applicable standards.

Indoor Biotechnologies has recently expanded facilities and commissioned a new and improved Environmental Testing Suite (ETS) in Cardiff, Wales. The suite is primarily used to test the safety and efficacy of home and personal care products including air purification devices, cleaning products, vacuum cleaners, carpets and textiles. The facility supports all stages of product development, from R&D, to formulation testing and validation of end-product claims. Comprehensive allergen testing is provided onsite.

Additionally, Indoor Biotechnologies offers viral testing services, including virucidal activity and assessments of virus viability on surfaces and in suspension. Custom testing methods can be designed to test a variety of products for virucidal efficacy, including Vaccinia virus and Human Coronavirus 229E which can support product claims against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Indoor Biotechnologies laboratories in the UK have tissue culture facilities that operate under Biosafety Level 2 and are ISO 17025 compliant. Utilizing the unique setup of the ETS, Indoor Biotechnologies are also developing models for viral aerosol studies, which can be customized to test the safety and efficacy of a range of anti-viral products against airborne viruses.

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn more about the ETS and its technical specifications.
  • Learn more on Indoor Biotechnologies’ expertise in viral immunology and testing capabilities.
  • Understand how the ETS and viral testing can help develop, improve, and validate products.